New York City, always has and always will be the melting pot of
the planet. StreetcredMusic is now seeing it from the inside. I have
encountered literally hundreds of artists that have been drawn here by
the subway, the bagels, the cappuccino, and of course the opportunity to
fulfill a their creative genes, to mingle and learn
from the be exposed to the vast ocean of talented, educated,
artists, so one can aspire to be the best you can be!
Stefano Baldasseroni, someone I met through, that
Yula chick that just keeps 'eXtending' her family (Stefano mentions her
later on) and the community is
'The Hive' are the wonderful words Stefano expressed about coming to New York City...from Rome, Italy.
"Moving to NYC, pros and cons, two sides of the same coin…This
is the first statement that came to my mind when
Pete Carma asked me to
write something about my experience.The overall feeling about my
decision is a huge sense of satisfaction and pride. I’ve always
looked at the States as an unreachable dream that I had to shut down in
order to keep some mental sanity. Everything about the U.S., especially
about NYC, seemed to be the perfect thing for me, but I’ve always
postponed the time to make a decision about moving or not.
I’m glad I
waited, because this way I’ve had the chance to follow the unfolding of
life and move here only when I was ready. During my career as a
drummer I’ve always been very lucky and had the chance to travel a lot
with my job. I remember the very first time, when I joined the
Grandmothers, the former Frank Zappa’s Mothers of Invention and I left
with them for a 2-week European tour. I was so excited - I had never
left Italy before then and everything felt so new to me! It felt so good
that I moved to London, where I stayed for 2 years before moving back
to Italy.
Stefano and Yula Beeri at the Hive! |
It took me almost 12 years after that moment to decide to make
the “big leap” and move. Almost three years ago, I realized that
everything was screaming at me that it was time to leave Italy. The
music business was going south, my love life was stagnant and dry and,
all of a sudden, I met the man I consider my soul mate. The process
is not easy at all. The USCIS has become tougher after 9/11 and getting a
VISA is really something that can suck all of your energy. It took me
exactly 365 days -1 year to gather all the documents (everything related
to my career like gigs, fliers, interviews, endorsements etc.),
recommendation letters, contracts and get my O-1 VISA. It was August 24,
2011, the best day of my life! There are many obstacles on the path
of a musician who’s moving to another country. The first one is
obtaining a legal immigration status, then comes making a name for one’s
self. NYC is absolutely the place that draws extremely talented
musicians from all over the world and the competition is very high.
Breaking into the scene means that you have to push constantly and play
every gig you can find, paid AND non-paid.
This is not the only reason
why an immigrant musician has to work hard. After 3 years the O-1 VISA
expires and, in order to be able to renew it, one has to show the USCIS
that he’s been very active in the scene and that he WILL be busy for the
next 3 years! It is a lot of pressure."
Stefano |
Stefano: "On the other hand, NYC offers
tons of opportunities, so many, that you have to turn things down
sometimes. What I like about NYC and the people here is that the very
first impression that everybody has when they meet someone new is that
they basically trust him. They always give you a chance and it is up to
you not to lose their trust. What I have accomplished in one and a half
years in NYC is great. I have, along with two partners, a recording
studio in Chelsea, where I record professional drum tracks for many
clients, and I am making music with many wonderful and talented people.I
started reaching out by replying to ads on Craigslist. Not an easy
task, it works one time out of a 100, but one ad brought me an audition
Yula Beeri, one of the highlights of my New York experience, side by
side with meeting my partner, Tom. Playing with Yula means being part
of a wonderful community. It is not only a professional relationship but
it goes beyond that because I became part of a family and this is one of the most precious things an
immigrant musician can find when far away from home. I am very lucky
because I’ve found friends and love."
I asked Stefano the two questions I ask everyone~~
. If you were leaving the planet and you could take only one album with you, which would you take?
Stefano: "I would bring with me '
by The Yellowjackets. Those people are really in contact to the meaning
of being musicians. They can express themselves whit simple and yet
touching melodies or with very complicated and rich arrangements. I
would never get tired of it!"
2. If you could perform with anyone, who would you choose?
Stefano: "I don't like being labelled as a rock drummer, jazz drummer or
whatever. I am a drummer who likes music and who likes to challenge
himself playing different styles. I would be gratified to play with
someone who is eclectic and would explore different territories and
different sounds.
Sting would be the perfect candidate for me!"
Stefano, thanks so much for letting my readers get a look and you and your music!!!
The Hive
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Pete Carma
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